Sunday, October 18, 2015

Randi's cancer takes a village

I understand the need to ask for help, the importance of relying on loved ones to get through difficult times and I hate it. Perhaps it's pride, or stubbornness, or plain old embarrassment that I can't do everything I want to do when I want to do it because I'm weak in other areas.

Regardless of the reason, my independence is going to the side as the BC journey begins. I have had so many wonderful people offer to help in anyway, many whom I'm not particularly close to but know that they have good, true hearts. I have had offers to take me to appointments, sit with me at the hospital, get out of the house when needed, have home cooked meals, suggestions of different oils and therapies to use.

The use of Randi's village began last week when my husband and all time awesome best friend Beth sat with me waiting for the news to determine if I have cancer. As appointments began, they have both taken me or are taking me this week. I've had rescue peeps contact me offering to sit at appointments on their day off.

I'm only two weeks, going onto three, into the first leg and today I realized I need help getting Nate to school this week. I'm going to be scrambling to make my hours at work with at least 12 hours of testing during my workday. Luckily my BFF is willing and able to take him to school, this is a huge weight off of our shoulders.

I think as I continue to reduce my stubbornness, let go of some pride and realize embarrassment is silly; I will feel more comfortable accepting the help that is being offered. For those that are in my village, or looking to join, registration is free, payment is my awesomeness and time involved varies. I'm thinking of making some shirts, "Member of Randi's Village" on the front, T-Rex on the back working to tie a pink ribbon....


  1. I'm sooooooooo getting a t-shirt!!!

  2. That T-shirt will be awesome! I'll take a couple :)

  3. We will need at least 4 shirts in my household!

  4. That shirt is hot Randi! Put me down for a few...ahem, sorry I am late to the soiree. ..damn friend, I didn't know. Can we talk? I feel like a bum right now. But...I too join "Randi's village", so sign me up girlie and let's do this.

    1. Thanks Talya, I'll definitely let you know when the shirts are available! We can definitely talk, its been a crazy few weeks.

  5. Definitely want to be a member of your village. Routing for you with all of my heart
