Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Benefits, gift cards and my village people

I need a word better than overwhelmed... I am so grateful and moved by the love, compassion, generosity and many other feels that I've encountered since announcing my BC. How can I thank so many wonderful people?!

I am a card giver and thank you note mailer but neither seems sufficient to adequately thank all of the people who are apart of my ever growing village. Chuck and I feel so uncomfortable with people focusing on us and offering to help in ways we would have never thought of but this feeling comes out of not knowing how to say thank you in the best possible way.

My friends are throwing a benefit for me, Rally for Randi, Hakuna Ma Tatas!!!! It will be Saturday, December 12th starting at noon at my friends bar, Triple Shotz (https://m.facebook.com/pages/Triple-Shotz-Cajun-Island-Cafe/629319480556877) at 2700 Brice Rd in Reynoldsburg, Ohio. I am so excited to thank all of my supporters and friends personally!!!  This is a wonderful idea, thought, gesture...

This week marks week five in my journey and I have already received donations, cards, flowers, hugs, tears, lunch, offers of gift cards during treatment and love from people I know and those that have gotten closer. This post is to thank all of y'all, to let you know what you mean to me and how you've inspired me to be happy and thankful despite BC.

“I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought, and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder.” –GK Chesteron