Saturday, October 17, 2015

Nate, I have cancer

Kids constantly amaze and surprise with their understanding and love. My youngest stepson, Nate, is 11 and has been in my life for over 8 years. He is smart, funny, compassionate and an all around great kid. We have him every other week and he came over today to start our week.

We had dinner, watched a little of The Penguins movie and then had the BC talk. I wanted to tell him in person and answer any questions. Nate has heard of cancer before and knew several different kinds but not what cancer is. Chuck explained about the cells, my intended treatment and that it isn't contagious or his fault.

Nate knew BC is bad but there were no tears or questions. Columbus Monthly has an article on BC this month, October, BC awareness month. Nate flipped through the article and began eating a Slim Jim. As he chewed he said he wished the Slim Jim was cancer so he could eat it away. I told him to let us know if he has questions and that I may be sick over the next few months.

The BC talk went better than most of my friends when they found out. My oldest stepson, Ben, found out via Facebook and hasn't known what to say so we haven't talked. It's so weird telling my stepson that I feel fine but will be most likely sick over the next few months in order to feel better. It's also strange talking about breasts, or the removal of them, with an 11 year old.

I assume Nate will process and ask questions later. For now he's happily playing the WiiU..... If only I could do the same.

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