Wednesday, October 14, 2015

BC diagnosis

As a 36 year old woman with no family history of breast cancer, (hereafter referred to as BC), it never occurred to me to be concerned about going for a mammogram. My ob/gyn said it was an option if I wanted to do a baseline and my insurance confirmed that a mammo would be covered. So, on Sept 30, 2015, I spent a half hour being squeezed and squashed in a 3D mammo machine with every expectation of not returning for at least four years.

The following day, I received a phone call with concern that calcification was found in my mammo and a follow up diagnostic mammo and ultrasound were requested. I was told this was normal for baseline mammo's and that rarely was it to be a concern.

The following Tuesday, Oct 6, 2015, I found myself talking to two radiologists concerned about an abnormal mass and abnormal mass in the abnormal calcification. I was directed to contact a surgeon, and Dr Lilly was able to get me in that day. He was very professional and during the breast exam didn't notice anything extraordinary but was concerned about the films and results he had reviewed.

That Thursday, Oct 8, 2015, I found myself receiving another ultrasound that found another mass in my lymph node. Three biopsies occurred resulting in 21 samples and the waiting began.... The holiday weekend seemed to never end waiting for a phone call from Dr Lilly identifying if I had cancer or not. The call finally came after his long day in surgery at 6 p.m. Mon, Oct 13, 2015, and my loving and supportive husband and best friend were in the car to hear on speaker that both masses were cancerous but not the lymph node. (Yes, I totally saved the number he called from, I think it's his cell phone).

What a shock.... No obvious lumps, bumps or masses; no family history other than colon cancer and a lucky mammogram that was covered by insurance. The next waiting started to determine the type and stage. My MRI was tonight, Thurs, Oct 14, 2015 and I find out tomorrow what I'm up against. Monday I go for genetic testing to determine how susceptible I am to BC and what chemo is right for me. These past two weeks have been a whirlwind.

Chuck, my husband, and I are trying to be prepared while not over preparing. What type of leave are we eligible for, how are we going to financially cover the periods of work not covered, how do I tell my 11 year old stepson? How do I not over use the BC excuse to get out of doing stuff I don't want to do?


  1. Danny and I are here for you and Chuck every step of the way babe. You are the strongest bravest person I know...I would say funniest but of course we both know that's me ;) Anything you need we will be there we live you to the moon and

    1. Thank y'all!!!!

      I like that you joked about being the funniest...
