Wednesday, November 11, 2015

This dude is dying

Before you read my blog, listen to this brave young man's speech.

As someone diagnosed within the past two months with cancer, this obviously resonates. Heed this young man's words, life is what you make it. My cancer isn't near as aggressive but still makes me stop and think. Reach out to loved ones, lost ones, lonely ones... Let your actions be a testament to who you are, not who you want to be. I am proud of my personal journey so far, I've made mistakes, but truly have few regrets. I would take some do overs, but overall my path has led me to the awesome person y'all know and love.

It still doesn't feel like I have cancer. I know I do on paper, and I have started chemo treatments but its still surreal. Listening to this speech made me pause... what do other people do when they learn? I was lucky to find out with my husband and best friend at my side, how many find out alone? Is learning you have three weeks compared to the unknown really that much different? I am 100% committed to beating BC and have the resources to do it (e.g. the husband and BFF mentioned, Randi's Village, a good job, health insurance, etc.).

I just texted my BFF that I plan to lose my hair in a couple weeks, would she want to dye her hair pink with me. It's weird... I'm planning to lose my hair. Very few people have the opportunity to do that. In talking openly about my journey, I hope that others will feel comfort that I'm doing okay, that others with cancer or survivors will find some humor and that overall I find some solace sharing.

As week seven continues, let's all remember that for now, the sun is going to shine tomorrow and I'm going to be here to enjoy it; except I live in Ohio.....


  1. People often give us funny looks when we, as a family (including our kids), crack jokes about Denver's bc (Ha! BRAIN cancer) or his lost vision. Frankly, I wouldn't be able to function if we didn't. Laugh... As much as you can.... Cause for real, you can only cry so much.

    1. Thanks Melissa! I assumed laughter was the only way to stay sane.
