Monday, July 25, 2016

What am I doing?

I met an interesting fella last week, he started the conversation by asking if I wanted to see something cool. Of course I did! He showed me a picture of him and his daughters feeding hyenas in Ethiopia. I had to admit that the photo was pretty cool and led into a discussion about life and where it leads you. He reminded me that a job is an opportunity to fund what you really want to do. The job doesn't need to be your passion, but it can support that fire through providing resources whether they be monetary or otherwise.

I of course know this to be true; I've enjoyed being a part of the rescue community for eight years. I have been able to focus on my passion due to my great job. I'm still wrestling with becoming a veterinarian, is the school debt worth it? Is another six years focused on studies worth it? Am I able to do what I've been doing, working at a great place while spending my free time helping animals in need? Perhaps there's still a chance that a job will come along that matches my skills, education and passion with great pay and benefits. Or, maybe I'll get past this post cancer funk and embrace what I already have....

My stomach is continuing to heal, but I keep my spanx close at hand. I'm feeling better about my abdomen area, it's going to heal and not be as noticeable but it's going to take time. My best friend is moving away to Florida, where all Ohioans end up, in a couple weeks and that definitely has me bummed. Her family is able to realize their dream which makes me happy, but I'll miss being able to stop by and see them. I'm so lucky she was here during my journey from diagnosis to chemo to surgery. I love you Beth and am so glad flights are more reasonable and fly straight to your new home!!

I am going to a meeting for the Young Survivor Coalition, a group of women who have gone through breast cancer age 40 and under. I'm really interested if they are struggling emotionally and physically with getting back to work and regular life. I am worried that it will be a sad session of us talking about cancer, chemo and the other downers associated with BC. It will be my first attempt talking to other survivors in a group setting, wish me luck!

As a new week begins, I am reminding myself that I can still win the lottery, I have a few weeks to choose if I want to attend classes, I'll be meeting other young survivors, attending the State Fair, going to my best friends home for one last party, seeing another friend for her housewarming party, trying not to melt in this heat (don't be fooled that it's Ohio, it was 100 today) and putting one foot in front of the other in this post cancer journey.


  1. I love you too Randi!!!! ❤❤❤❤. I'm so sorry I'm leaving you but I'm only a 2 hour flight away!!! That's probably faster than we would get to each other here most days anyways! LOL

  2. Love you long time Randi! I am here for whatever you need... Even if it's a laugh and lunch! You will figure out what you would like to do...

  3. I love you babe...don't worry you will find your happiness again !!! We are all here to help you
