Wednesday, July 13, 2016

90 Days

It's Wednesday, July 13th, and the beginning of a new lease on life. As of today I'm going to follow my blogs advice and quit drinking liquor for 90 days. Yes, I've said this before, but today really feels like a new chance to do things differently. I'm scheduled for classes to start my path of becoming a veterinarian, I've found a work out partner in Grove City, left a message to join the YMCA, and started back to work.

My husband, my biggest supporter, is behind me 1000%. I see myself in school for the next six years pursuing a long standing dream assuming I am smart enough and dedicated enough. I am also going liquor free, which means no whiskey nights, shots or stressed out happy hours that go from two beers to shots, shots, shots. I am embarking on a new journey, post cancer, of loving myself, getting in shape and pursuing a dream. I pulled up to the parking lot for work today and almost turned around, the thought of my cubicle was too depressing.

The thought of not enjoying what I am, what I do, is too depressing. I still know I'm awesome, but I have the opportunity to be more awesome and that's pretty awesome. I made it through my work day but my stomach was hurting by the end. Note to self, wear your spanx. I'm still kicking around the idea of writing a book, I have some funny stories that need to be shared. Stay tuned for how that's going...

I am incredibly grateful to my friends for always keeping me in check and calling my husband when needed. I am so lucky to have people in my life that I love as my family. I plan to keep this positive motivation going but warn you if you want to see me before school starts next month, get on the calendar. I thrived going to school, rescuing and working full time when I was in school previously but I had little time for much else. I'm really hopeful that that groove will continue as I will only be taking math and science courses instead of breezy easy business courses. I've also applied to volunteer at a local spay and neuter clinic, hopefully I can do a few days there a month. I have rescue experience but not vet office and this is a way to at least start. I'm getting tired thinking about my next few years already!

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