Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Girls Day

This past Saturday, I had the pleasure of having a girls day. What does this include? Lunch, pedicures and drinking with some of my best friends. We caught up on our lives, talked jobs, boys/men/spouses, cancer, things that made us laugh, the past, etc. As usual we were the loudest group everywhere we went, but in a good way. ;-)

Some friends stayed all day, others left when they had to but we were happy for the time together. Don't feel left out if you weren't invited, we all have circles of friends and this one is 7 people big. Not that we don't want to include others, we normally do, this was just one of those get togethers. As we meandered through the day, it became clear that cancer is on people's minds. I was asked about my cancer, received free drinks and kisses on my head. Somehow I'm an inspiration to others that I've never met, maybe it's being bald and beautiful.

Several of my friends were surprised how bold people can be telling their personal cancer stories, asking about mine and especially the head kissing. Luckily I'm an open person who doesn't mind telling my story although sometimes I don't want to hear yours. Cancer has forced me to embrace patience and enhance my listening look.... That's when it looks like I care but I won't remember what we talked about. I know, it's an awful truth, but I've always sucked at being a good listener. My husband and best friends will vouch for this with no shame.

Even though the purpose of the day was to get together and enjoy our friendship prior to surgery; cancer was a constant reminder for me that I'm literally going to be a new woman at the end summer. This isn't good or bad, just a fact. I'd like to think that if I had my hair it would be different, but honestly having cancer simply makes you different. I'm going through something none of my friends or family has which is a good thing. I don't want them to have first hand knowledge, but it does separate us.

I had a wonderful time Saturday, it was better than I imagined and was more fun than I planned. This was mostly due to the kickass, strong women I have in my life. The sunshine, pretty toes and Summer Shandy helped, but were definitely secondary. I want to thank all of my friends, supporters and others that help keep me positive and worry about me when I'm not looking. This journey has a large club car and I'm glad y'all are on it. Now onto the caboose of this leg of the journey. Surgery in three weeks...