Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Dude, its October 4th

I am coming up on the first anniversary of finding out I had cancer, Oct 12th. It's been such a crazy year, it doesn't feel like a year has even passed. Time moved so slow during chemo and waiting for surgery, then being off work to recover. Now, it's October, I'm paying for my divorce attorney tomorrow, my floors are getting installed in two weeks and the refinance is hopefully going to be next week. My soon to be ex husband and I have had some good conversations that really needed to happen. We've decided that he and his son will live here through the school year. It will help us both financially, allow my stepson to continue his normal routine and I'll have a helper when I get my hysterectomy next year. I know I just posted about wanting everyone to move the hell out, but then reality kicks in and this just makes more sense. Now, my sister, her dog and the kittens need to roll. I love her but we are not compatible room mates, which is totally okay. I'm trying to help her find a decent apartment in a safe area for what she can afford. The rental market is cray cray, as Jillian would say, and it's hard to find the right place but I'm confident she will. The kittens have to be out in a week so I can keep the dogs in the basement while the floors are being installed. A rescue has said they'll take them, fingers crossed! Those poor girls are sick of being cooped up in a crate. I let them out when I feed them and they had no desire to go back in, I hope they have some freedom soon.
My anxiety is still out of whack, I really miss my cymbalta, but I think it'll get better once the next few weeks are done. My last post was about me having some good luck.... Well my damn appraisal came in $3,000 less than I needed which just sucks. These floors aren't paying for themselves but I'll figure something out, I always do. I'm still a mess at work, I'm trying to get myself together but some days it's just too much and too unhappy to go there. I'm an adult who has a big girl job with kickass benefits, absolutely no reason to complain. I just can't get back in the groove. It's really, really annoying.
I was supposed to start at the YMCA tonight for their LiveStrong program and totally didn't. You're only supposed to miss two classes and I already have a few conflicts so I'm gonna try again when it's offered next year. This doesn't mean I don't need to go, I totally do; I need to figure out a way to lose weight and get healthy. The hardest part is doing it. I know how to eat healthy, how to walk, hell I own a treadmill. I just don't have the motivation. My dresses are fitting a little tighter so that should help motivate me some.
I could really just use some time away.... Time to regroup.... Time to relax... Time to reflect...just time

1 comment:

  1. Heard that lady! It's on my calendar for Tuesday.. I need a nap, a break, or a breather! Yep., preplanning Netflix binge.. we will never have enough time...
