Today I attended a conference/information session on Lynch syndrome, the genetic mutation I have that determines my likeliness to get cancer. It was very informative and nice to be around other people with the same condition. Some have had cancer, some haven't. Mostly Lynch throws colon cancer, uterine, ovarian and a few others but not breast.
I met a woman who also has breast cancer and Lynch syndrome, she's only 40 and also looking for a confidant to talk to. We exchanged info and I'm hoping we will really talk. I met a young woman with Lynch who luckily hasn't had any cancer but very aware of her risks. I really enjoyed learning more about my risks and talking to others about chemo, cancer, hair growth, etc. I did receive confirmation that support groups can be depressing but might have found a young group that isn't.
I am proud of myself for going, when I woke up I thought about sleeping in. I had Pepper on one side and Gracie and Coco on the other but realized I'll be home bound for awhile and need to get out while I can. Also, I need to start pulling my head out of the sand about my medical stuff. If I'm entering this new state of acceptance, learning new info is a good step.
I felt really unlucky attending a medical event that I fit in both sessions but met another woman in the same boat which helped, I'm not alone. I'm not the only woman scared about surgery, losing her boobs, upset about her hair or trying to be preventative regarding other cancers. One of the topics was depression/stress and it's link to immunity, I thoroughly enjoyed that session. I also learned of some therapists that are learning a new way to approach helping cancer patients.
Although I am a breast cancer suffering Lynch syndrome having woman, it's okay. A breast cancer survivor told me to take it 15 minutes at a time, then a day and so on. It's easy to become overwhelmed, and that's okay. It's easy to feel alone, and I'm not. It's easy to get scared, and realize it's a valid fear. I'm just gonna keep going with a positive attitude recognizing that I need to cry, yell and come to terms with my current situation. I'm just trying to make it without losing it, the "it" being all encompassing.